Edition 2024
Svenska västkusten norra: Norska gränsen till Lysekil
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NV.Atlas Sverige SE 5.1 Svenska västkusten norra Format: Kombipack Papier / Digital cd and App
• Overview charts
• Coastal charts & Details
• Includes Harbor & Anchorage plans
• remarkable data also off the beaten tracks
• many own resurveys
• with harbor pilot book
• monthly correction service with email
SE 5.1 NV. Atlas Sverige - Svenska västkusten norra - Norska grensen till Lysekil (Swedish west coast northern part - Norwegian border to Lysekil).
nv charts for the Swedish west coast are published annually and updated monthly from April to October in paper and digital format by our nv charts monthly update service (MBS).
The region is divided into two seperate NV. Atlas combipacks, a northern (SE5.1) and southern part (SE5.2). Both combipacks appear in nv charts new handy Atlas format (A3) and include paper and digital charts, as well as a navigation software and nv charts free navigation app for mobile devices and tablet PC's.
A harbour and anchorage pilot book is also included, providing a wealth of service information usable to the mariner, including detailed harbour charts and navigational information for approach. The clear structure makes finding harbour details or anchorages a matter of seconds. In this way the mariner gets quick access to all important navigational information.
The cartography captivates through ideal scales and well-chosen sheet cuts.
The NV. Atlas SE5.1 includes 2 overview charts (scale 1:240.000) and 16 coastal charts (scale 1:40.000/ 1:20.000). You will also find an overview pilot chart (scale 1:750.000) with general weather and current information for the given area. The harbour and anchorage pilot book includes detailed harbour charts with additional information for approach and harbour facilities.
Data sheet